Last updated on: January 16, 2021
Headless commerce is supposed to revolutionize the ecommerce industry and it’s everything going for it.
In today’s competitive eCommerce industry, we can clearly discern how headless commerce is changing the landscape of the eCommerce industry by improving conversion rates.
Owning an eCommerce store requires just an equivalent amount of hardship as you would give to your street-side store. Whether you’re on Shopify or Shopify Plus, the optimizing conversion rate may be a common concern for all eCommerce store owners. Conversion rate numbers always need a radical assessment at regular intervals as these numbers will tell you ways well you’re doing within the online world.
Every visitor expects just one thing from your store, be it online or offline – Does it offer what I actually need? That’s it. So attempt to keep it as simple as possible because better user experience and frictionless eCommerce always result in higher conversion rates.
You need to know why the conversion rate is so important?
In simple terms, conversion may be a visitor to your ecommerce store who becomes a loyal customer after a purchase .
Conversion rates can tell you how successful your store is in convincing visitors to shop for your products and gauging its easy math where you divide total numbers of the buyers by the entire number of the visitors.
For different people the definition of conversion might be different, and it includes everything from signing up for your email newsletter, visiting the merchandise page, writing a review, abandoning the carts and definitely a sale.
Eventually, it’s up to you which of the parameters you think about as a conversion.
How is headless commerce making a difference in optimizing conversion rate?
Better the experience more the conversions
When you opt-in headless, customer experience enhancement becomes a bit of cake. Effectively designed commerce stores help customers to seek out what they need at a single glance. Adverse navigation process, excessive information, and an excessive amount of content in one place, all finish up rendering the worst customer experience. Such customization is achievable with headless commerce; actually one can design their frontend independently for various devices because of its Omni-channel behavior.

With Omni-channel and multi-channel, designing a versatile frontend that supports all channels and altering them whenever required, is straightforward to realize without disturbing the backend. This exposes new possibilities, where any screen can work as your eCommerce store by not limiting your stores to typical media platforms like Desktop and mobile. Such an approach will broaden your audience base and alongside it your conversions.
Leverage next big things like AR-VR
Adopting AR-VR remains the smallest amount preferred path within the eCommerce industry but they hold enormous potential to show the entire industry upside-down. These reality technologies comply really very smoothly with headless commerce techs. Days to point out just images of your products are gone; people want to ascertain how that product will appear as if they are going for it. Augmented reality can benefit you to make the brand experience and brand recall in your visitor’s mind by ensuring an immersive experience alongside a click on a buy button.
PWA with Headless commerce
The trajectory of mobile commerce has been set to surpass all retail sales and desktop sales in the coming years. PWA + Headless commerce is the only duo that may assist you to urge “Optimized mobile-first experience” and stay one step before the competition.
PWA gives you additional functionality like offline usage and pushes notification and on top of that users can install it as native apps on their phones but with less memory consumption. They’re a mix of both websites and mobile apps. PWA produces other numerous advantages but the most blatant is, it makes your eCommerce stores mobile friendly and makes your stores load faster in 2-3 seconds. Within the eCommerce world, you want to have heard this repeatedly, Speed is adequate to conversion! Yeah, that’s true.
Identify the Power of PWA: Alibaba case study
Loading stores faster may be a boon for store owners but here “faster” is additionally utilized in different contexts! Where headless commerce enables you more flexibility and faster functionality in deploying new sites, new designs, banner templates, forms, and vivid interface layouts for your stores in no time! Where every retailer can provide a handcrafted experience to each visitor, leading to higher conversions.
According to a number of the newest data, the majority of the traffic on eCommerce websites coming from mobile devices, which explicitly states the mobile-first approach has become vital for next-gen store owners.
Overcoming language barriers for more conversions
Making Google translate to convert your sites hardly gives any quality output. Translating certain phrases into other languages is often threatening and conveys a wrong message to your visitor.
That’s where headless commerce comes into the picture, allowing the translation of content into accurate language also lets content creators map the first content with targeted language’s characters. Not only that, store owners can draft a personalized message in several regional languages.
Such facilities will enhance customer experience and make them feel more reference to the brand. More reference to a brand means more conversions.
Around quite 60% of buyers say they became a repeat customer after experiencing a personalized message.
You bear a threat of soiling your brand reputation when your website fails during the high volume traffic or your mobile site takes quite a few seconds to load but headless commerce has risen as a savior in chief with a number of its scaling capabilities and personalization alongside PWA, which empowers you to feature new technologies, applications, APIs and touchpoints with none hindrance.